Cheryl Healey

Helping you and children be the gift you came here to be – naturally

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Make 2016 Your Year – Just Do It!

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What is on your list to do this year? Did you set a resolution? Did you swear 1, 5 or 10 years ago that you would eat healthfully and work out regularly; write that book; change your career? Make 2016 the year you finally accomplish your thing.

Statistics tell us most people stick with their New Year’s resolutions for about 30 days or less. What statistics neglect to inform is there is always more to the story and you are not a statistic.

Did you know that there is a space between setting the intention and turning to an unsuccessful habit pattern? You must become aware of that space and what triggers you to revert backward. Once you identify the pattern and why you created it, you are free to change your behavior. I can help you.

One of my clients was “trying” to eat healthier and loose excess weight. Her doctor finally gave her a wake-up call. I informed her that I too had once briefly weighed close to what she does. She was shocked since I now range between a size 6 and 8 depending on the stress in my life.

After a little coaching, she told me that chocolate bars are her downfall whenever she is stressed or hungry. She has a very busy life, demanding job, husband and 3 children. She said she likes the feeling of the chocolate.

Dopamine rush aside, I explained to her that there is a space between setting the intention and reaching for the chocolate. I told her to notice what comes up in that space.

She immediately got it. She told me when and why she began that habit.

While the details are too personal to share with you in her very powerful example, I can tell you that her realization was profound. I shared some personal and spiritual perspectives and examples with her to help ease her pain.

I told her she must feel the feelings that come up in that space rather than shove them down. Then she will be free to move forward to create and stick with new habits that support the results she desires.

Food was the vehicle of choice to escape feeling the pain in her life. Your vehicle of choice might be something different.

The toughest thing for humans to move through is change. The irony is that change and growth are the only constants. Wouldn’t you rather consciously steer your ship to your desired destination?

Athletes have a coach because they want to win. The most important game to win is the game of life. If you would like to accelerate your progress, contact me for a consultation.

Make 2016 a fabulous year. You deserve it.

To your success!

Cheryl Healey