Cheryl Healey

Helping you and children be the gift you came here to be – naturally

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YOUR Success Process

Do you have a success process?  If you have one, can you write it down?  Does it work every time?

I created a class a few years ago to help participants discover their own unique success process.  Feedback told me that most people didn’t realize that what they do and how they do it equals successful results.

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Resolving to Succeed in the New Year? Help is Here!

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

Albert Einstein

How many times have you set goals or resolutions for the New Year and not followed through to success? How many times have you succeeded?

My hope for you is that you succeeded more often than not. The trouble often encountered is sustaining the success you achieve.  Studies have shown that it takes anywhere from 21 to 90 days to create a new habit.  Depending on how long the old behavior has been ingrained in your mind and lifestyle, it may take even longer.  One thing is certain, however, it always takes a firm heart-felt decision on your part to see you through to the success you desire.

Ask yourself these questions before you begin:

  • What do I really want?
  • Why do I want it?
  • How will I feel when I get it?

Once you are very clear on your what, why and the feeling of having it, you are ready to move forward. Build a plan of action and stick with it.  Get help from a “buddy” or a coach to keep you on track.

Next, think of your life as a movie. How many roles have you played so far in this movie called your life?  By roles I mean jobs, careers, relationships, hobbies, accomplishments, etc. – essentially anything in which you are or were able to place an “I am” in front of it.

Now think of this new resolution as a new role in your life. Act as if you are preparing for that new role in your life as an actor does.  They gain or loose weight; they get in shape; they learn a new language or skill; they speak to people who have already experienced this new role or the exact person they are about to portray.  In other words, they immerse themselves in the role as if it were their life.

Well guess what? This is your life.  Just because it’s only one aspect doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it all you’ve got.  Everything in life is temporary.  Why not make the changes as much fun as possible?

Sure actors may get millions of dollars for the roles they play, but that’s where your WHY comes in. What’s it worth to you to achieve this goal and succeed?  How will you feel if you don’t?

Only you can muster the energy and desire to create the results in your life that will make you feel the way you want to feel.

You deserve the best because you are the best. God does not create mistakes.  God creates opportunities for you to be the best you choose to be.

The choice is always yours. That’s why God gave you free will regardless of what appears to go on around you or in the world.  Focus and belief are your tickets to success.  Tap into your why, focus on the feeling of having it now, and keep moving forward to the role you choose for your life.

Make a list of all the successes you have experienced in your life and keep an ongoing journal of them. No matter how small, every movement forward toward your goals is a success – especially if it makes you feel good about yourself.

To your fabulous life!

Enjoy a blessed and joyful New Year,


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