Cheryl Healey

Helping you and children be the gift you came here to be – naturally

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Kiss the Ground

If you eat food, breathe air or farm the land, you must check out this post:

Be blessed and prosper,


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Is this belief limiting your potential?

We are often the last to hear what we say to ourselves.  We often repeat certain things for so long that we have accepted them as reality.  Fish see water last as that old saying goes.

Yesterday I was working at my other job.  I dropped something and the cap broke so I informed my manager.  She tried to fix it as I had which did not work.  The product was still good but not able to be sold to the buying public.  She asked me if I wanted it.  Out of my mouth without even thinking came these words:  “It doesn’t seem right that I should be rewarded for breaking something.”  That was obviously an unconscious rote belief that was running me.

I didn’t drop it or break it on purpose.  Each of us in the department drop things from time to time.  Sometimes product containers break and sometimes they don’t.  My conscious mind then kicked into gear internally.  That product was on my purchase list to try.  However, I still couldn’t accept it by allowing myself to speak up and change those words.

Later, being the coach I am, I started to examine where else in my life that limiting belief may be causing problems in my life.  I obviously learned that belief in my youth at some point.

Do you have that belief?  Do you think you can’t receive what you would like because of perceived mistakes or imperfections?  On the flip side, do you blame others for your own choices – conscious or unconscious?  Those ways of thinking and being represent a fixed mindset and limited possibilities.

What if everything is an opportunity for growth and learning?  What if a test score or test results are not meant to be emblazoned tattoos on one’s forehead that must be borne throughout life?  Conversely, what if stellar scores are not meant to be used as coasters but rather as benchmarks instead?  What if we are all meant to have a little of both from time to time in life to further our joy, growth and progress?

Everything you want in and for your life requires that you are able to receive it in body, mind and spirit: own it, be grateful for it and know you are already worthy of it.  God created you as an already worthy co-creator and flows through you every moment of every day.

How good a receiver are you?  Do you act on opportunities and ideas with gratitude as though you already believe in and embody positive results?

Visit now to download a free worksheet entitled Discover Your Brilliance.

I hope to meet you soon,


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How to Change a Habit

Have you ever heard “neurons that fire together wire together”?  Have you ever given any thought to what that really means; how it happens and how you can rewire them to serve your needs better?

Let’s cover those items one at a time.

1.  Neurons that fire together wire together.

All parts of the nervous system are based on the functions of neurons. Neurons are specialized cells that process information. The human brain has over 100 billion neurons. Neurons that fire together wire together. All nervous systems in all animal species have four basic types of neurons:

  • Sensory neurons: Tell the rest of the brain about the external and internal environment.
  • Motor (and other output) neurons: Motor neurons contract muscles and mediate behavior, and other output neurons stimulate glands and organs.
  • Communication neurons: Transmit signals from one brain area to another.
  • Computation neurons: The majority of neurons in vertebrates are computation neurons. Computation neurons extract and process information coming in from the senses, compare that information to what’s in memory, and use the information to plan and execute behavior.

Neurons Firing Together

The number of possible neuron connections is so large it cannot be counted.  That translates to no neuron connection limits in the human body which is one of the reasons athletes and others can break records and do the seemingly impossible.

2.  How do neurons wire together?

Neurons wire together when you think in a certain way or do an action in a certain way long enough to make it a habit. Every time you think something different or differently, different neurons fire up to make that happen. Every time you do something different or differently, different neurons fire up to make that happen. Being wired together means it becomes an unconscious activity; meaning you think those thoughts or do those things without consciously thinking. Think about brushing your teeth. Is that a habituated action for you? If it is, then neurons have wired together so you can essentially brush your teeth without thinking about it. There are pros and cons to the wiring of neurons.

If it’s a good habit that serves your wellbeing and frees up your energy to do more important tasks, it’s a wonderful thing that neurons have wired together to habituate that action. If it’s turning to sugar or unhealthy foods every time you’re bored or stressed, that is not a beneficially wired neuron connection.

That which is unconscious runs under your radar. You don’t tend to pay attention to them or whether or not they still serve you. As your goals and life change over time, some habits may need to change – especially as they affect your health and wellbeing.

That which becomes unconscious fools you into thinking that is just how things are; that is just how you are.

Memes, or collective beliefs, are another example of neurons wired together from a collective perspective. Memes can be more difficult to rewire, but not impossible.

3.  How can you rewire neuron connections to serve your needs better?

The first step to rewire your neurons and essentially change the habits you want to change is to notice them. Since they may be unconscious, you may wish to ask those close to you to notice and let you know in a kind and loving way those habits that may not serve you well. Keep in mind they may have their own unconscious reasons for pointing them out to you, so you will have to decide if that is something you wish to change about yourself.

After you notice them and decide you want to make changes, decide what change you want to make and build a plan. Changing habits takes a minimum of a consistent 21 to 90 days depending on the person and how long that habit has been ingrained in your unconscious mind and lifestyle.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Albert Einstein

For example, let’s say you want to loose some weight and improve your health.  You would first have to make an absolute decision that you want to make this change.  You would have to examine all the habits that have contributed to that which you now want to transform and then build a plan of action.

Thoughts precede feelings and then actions or no actions follow.  That whole sequence leading up to action or no action took millions of neurons wired together to create the body you have now.  You will need to fire up new neuron connections with new thoughts, new feelings about your goal and actions that support it.  Once you’ve stuck with the new plan for a consistent  21 days minimum, new neurons will have wired together making your thoughts, feelings and appropriate actions unconscious.  Reaching for unhealthy food choices will be more difficult once new neuron wiring is in place.  You will feel angst or even anxiety every time you try to deviate from your newly wired neuron connections because they have become unconscious.

Having others around you that support the changes you wish to make helps enormously.  This is also where a coach is very beneficial.

This process is true and works for everything.  No exceptions.  Since there is no limit to the possible neuron connections that can be created, anything is possible.  God puts the dreams in your heart.  You are the one who has to believe in your dreams and yourself and take the actions to create what you want.  The most difficult thing for a human is change because of our limbic system – fight or flight wiring from our cave man ancestors.  It’s there to keep you safe – not stop you.

If you find you could use a little help in your quest for change or find yourself in the midst of a life transition, take advantage of a limited time offer for one free coaching session.

Are your habits serving you well?

To your success!

Cheryl Healey

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YOUR Success Process

Do you have a success process?  If you have one, can you write it down?  Does it work every time?

I created a class a few years ago to help participants discover their own unique success process.  Feedback told me that most people didn’t realize that what they do and how they do it equals successful results.

Read more…

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Are You Confident?

Confidence is a state of mind.

It is said that self-confidence is a skill. It is a skill that takes practice. Until you have enough examples in your memory banks of resourcefulness and success on a given topic, you tend not to feel confident. Your unconscious mind wants to keep you in your comfort zone where it feels safe but often confused on how to succeed.

However, God puts the dreams and visions in your heart. If you weren’t born with the potential to accomplish your dreams, why would God/consciousness put them there in the first place? God has a plan and you are part of that plan. You are the only one who can stop you and you are the only one who can move forward.

In other words, you only have confidence if the task is not new to you. Practice is the only thing that will build confidence and greater skills.

Life is a class here in Earth School. Like it or not you will always be taking one or more classes for personal growth. Either you get on board with your growth or life will give you an unexpected push. It’s much more empowering to be decisive and prepared in advance.

So let’s say you make a decision to grow in a certain area of your life. That’s where a like-minded individual or a coach can be of great benefit to keep you on track.

Once you become one with the outcome you desire, there is a mindset shift inside you.

  • You view hurdles along your path as temporary.
  • You know they are growth opportunities for you to learn and become more confident.
  • You do healing work as needed or seek help from a professional.
  • You notice the serendipity in your life.
  • Since challenges show up for your benefit and by a higher power,  you will learn to view them as a gift and look for the higher wisdom.
  • You learn to be grateful for what happens – especially in hind-sight. 🙂
  • You view things that happen the way YOU choose to view them.
  • You learn to roll with, move around or above situations others would deem as show-stoppers.
  • You stay in action focused on your vision.
  • There will be times when you need to re-charge. Especially if your vision is big and goes against the status-quo. Stay focused and ask for help as needed. Remember, God/consciousness is on your side and you are the decider in your life.
  • And….you will learn to let go of trying to control every step of the process on your path and give God/consciousness/Higher Power room to create miracles.

 “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.” – Henry Ford

8 Tips for Staying Focused and Confident:

  1. Have a morning meditation practice to instill peace and get centered.
  2. Exercise regularly to release stress and stay fit and strong.
  3. Self-talk must be positive and encouraging.
  4. Make friends with like-minded people.
  5. Remember to breathe before you react. The breath is your connection to your Soul.
  6. Stay in focused action moving toward your goals and vision.
  7. Take care of all areas of your life in appropriate timing.
  8. Get help if you need it. Reference limited time coaching offer.


Creative Process

Confidence is a state of mind and practice keeps you in that location.

To your success!

Enjoy infinite blessings,

Cheryl Healey

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The Power of Decision and Intuition

Do you procrastinate?

Do you spend countless time mulling things over in your head trying to make sense of what you did/didn’t or should/shouldn’t do?

Do you wait to make a decision until your “guidance” assures you the road is paved with rose petals?

Action is empowering, and YOU are the decider in your life. So sometimes you just need to make a decision and move forward. Waiting for permission from anyone but yourself keeps you stuck and waiting.

What do people do when they wait? They surf the internet; they watch television; they eat too much; they sleep too much. You get the picture. They engage in activities that keep them stuck and stall the creation of their results.

Do you do that? If yes, that just means you’re human. The question to ponder is how often do you do that and do you have what you really want yet?

God or Infinite Intelligence puts the dreams in your heart. Your job is to keep moving toward your dreams so you can have the life you truly want to live. Why else would you be here? Surely not to watch the lives others lead and not partake yourself. Oh wait…you can do that too with reality shows now. Is that getting you the life you want to live?

Download this quick life assessment exercise to see how satisfied you currently are with your life and results.

Need a little help moving forward? Learn more about a limited-time free coaching offer now.

To your success!

Cheryl Healey

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Do you have it yet?

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

If you don’t trust others, you really just do not trust yourself.

That’s right. Read it again.

As a human, you are a projector of your own conscious and unconscious beliefs. Other people are mirrors. If you resonate with them or a particular situation, that means you have something inside you that is alike.

Let me explain further.

First of all, everything boils down to a choice between fear or love. Everything else is just an off-shoot of one of those primary energies.

Secondly, when you fully understand that you create your own reality based on your beliefs, feelings and actions you do or do not take, you are able to own your part in whatever happens in your life. This removes the victim mentality and energy.

Once you move from victim to empowered, which usually takes some inner-healing work rather than stuffing it all down or going into addiction, you reach a new level of understanding. You KNOW you can handle whatever comes. It can take many lifetimes or happen in an instant. This does not mean you won’t ever experience fear again. Life happens.

However, when you know you can handle whatever comes, you don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what will happen. You are free to be you and enjoy life and deal with whatever comes because it is what it is and you helped create it. Pick up the pieces and stay focused.

God is inside of you. You are the decider in your life. Your Soul (which is also you) is a spark of God’s greatness. Your Soul is ready to help you in ways you can’t even imagine. Miracles are all around you every day. Your job is to notice them, act on them and follow your guidance as you keep moving forward.

Do you have it yet? You are the only one who can stop you.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead, trust yourself! God does.

“It is done unto you as you believe.” – Matthew 8:13

“I thank whatever Gods may be
for my unconquerable Soul…
I am the master of my destiny;
I am the captain of my Soul.”
– From Invictus (Latin/unconquered)
By William Ernest Henley

Need a little help on your path? Learn more about a limited-time free coaching offer.

I hope to meet you soon.

Enjoy infinite blessings,

Cheryl Healey

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Heaven is a Feeling

This reality is a temporary illusion.  What you think about what is happening now; what you feel about what is happening now; and how you respond or react to what is happening in this temporary moment in time determines to a large degree how it will turn out and unfold.

Everything is energy.  Everything and everyone is energy.  Everyone and everything has a frequency.  You “tune into” the frequency of your choice.

If you are fooled by the temporary illusion or person vying for your attention, you can choose to react negatively which will invite similar energy to respond right back at you.  If you choose the higher road or higher feeling, you tune into a higher vibration allowing God, Angels and goodness to flow to you and the situation.  I believe this is what Jesus meant by “turning the other cheek.”

Turning the other cheek is for you – not to provide an opportunity for the other person to attack again.  It means choosing a higher response so lower vibrations are no longer able to elicit the reaction from you they are seeking and thereby drag you down to their level of vibration.  It also gives them an opportunity to choose a higher road and vibration.

For example, if someone tries to bully you and you ignore them, it takes the fun out of it for them.  They will either try different tactics to grab your attention and energy, move on to someone else who will react to their M.O., or perhaps choose love instead.  I am not suggesting this is always an easy thing to do.  I am saying, however, it is well worth your effort if your heart or gut guides you to do so.

There is always a peaceful solution to conflict once we realize we all just have different points of view.

As Rodney King said so beautifully, “Why can’t we all just get along?”

“You have your way. I have my way.  As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“All things are subject to interpretation; whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

I listed those quotes because everyone has beliefs that are usually influenced by collective beliefs which are set by the media and current-day spin-doctors.  The real power lies with God and our connection to God.  What we focus on creates more of what we focus upon.

In a vibrational universe, the feeling is the prayer to which God responds.  The more consistent vibration “wins.”  We have been living in a fear-based society since 911.  I believe the prophecies of 2012 offer us each a new beginning toward the choice for love and forgiveness.  Jesus taught that forgiveness is the road to heaven.  Heaven is an inside job.

Create heaven on the inside, and you will bring it into your life and project it onto the world and those in the world.  It happens one person at a time.  To live in fear or unforgiveness is hell on Earth.  Those in fear are more easily manipulated. 

Heaven is a feeling.  Will you choose heaven?  How does that feel to you?